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How-to: Co-Pilot on Teams


Copilot, your AI assistance in Teams, understands your priorities and your organization. Ask questions and Copilot will interact with your content across your files, meetings, chats, emails, and the web.

Copilot is designed to assist your most complex or time-consuming tasks. Discover how Copilot can streamline your workflow and help you complete critical tasks faster:


Explore, summarize, and collate real-time info with CoPilot web search and your content

Tech Tonic: Co-Pilot on Teams (90s)



Here's a step by step guide:

  1. Open Teams app

  2. Open M365 Chat on the top left

  3. This will open a new chat with the M365 Copilot

  4. Click on the 'Plugins' icon and enable 'Web content'

  5. Try Commands like:

    • ‘Tell me the latest news from University of Chicago Medicine’

    • 'Summarize emails where I was mentioned recently. Make it detailed, highlighting the sender and categorizing by topic of the email'

    • ‘Help me get ready for my next 1:1 with my manager by summarizing recent conversations with them’.

    • 'What are some topics to learn about SQL database?'

Note: Co-Pilot is only available on new Microsoft Teams

Detailed Video Below

Co-Pilot on Teams - Detailed (4 min)

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