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How-to: Setup HLD Company Calendar

This article shows how to add the shared HLD Company Calendar to your Outlook.


  1. Navigate to the Outlook app.

  2. You will receive an email with the subject line "You're invited to share this calendar".

  3. Open it and click on the option "Accept”.

  4. This will open a new tab in your web browser. You will see the new calendar listed.

  5. Click the icon to the left of the calendar name to enable it (if it is not already enabled).

  6. Close the browser tab and close the Outlook application.

  7. Reopen Outlook, in the Navigation Pane on the left side, click the "Calendar" icon.

  8. You should now see the new "HLD Company Calendar" listed. If you do not see this right away wait a few minutes, then relaunch Outlook again.

  9. Once the calendar is listed you can switch between split view & combined view.

Video Walkthrough

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