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How-To: Access Shared Mailbox

This article explains how to access shared mailboxes within the Outlook application.

1. Access from Outlook app

  1. Launch the Outlook app.

  2. On the left-hand side menu scroll down.

  3. At the bottom you should see a list of all the shared mailboxes you have access to (Note: Shared mailboxes can take up to an hour to populate once granted access).

  4. Expand the arrow next to the mailbox name & click Inbox.

  5. You will now be able to view all emails in this shared mailbox.

2. Access from

  1. login to

  2. Right-click the “Folders” dropdown

  3. Click “Add shared folder”.

  4. Enter the email address you were granted access to.

  5. Click “Add”.

  6. The shared mailbox will appear on the left-side list.

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